
Speeches Shim

09-09-2022 18:15

Thank you, Ambassador Blome for your leadership and good afternoon to all of you. I am very pleased to be with you here today and very pleased and humbled to be in Pakistan at this unimaginably difficult time for the Pakistani people.

08-09-2022 14:15

It has been, to put it bluntly, a tough run for multilateralism in recent years. At a time of rising economic inequality and growing populism, governments had increasingly turned inwards and openly questioned the value of alliances and international organizations. Others meanwhile sought to exploit international institutions to further their own interests.

08-09-2022 14:00

Good morning, everyone, and thank you, Dr. Monoarfa, for your remarks. I’d also like to thank Bappenas for its commitment to development and the Indonesian government for its leadership during Indonesia’s G20 presidency. Thank you as well to my other development minister colleagues as we assemble to address some of the world’s greatest challenges.

01-09-2022 10:00

Therefore, I would like to encourage MoSVY, DoSVY and partners to continue to find ways to raise awareness of helplines (so that their services are provided where needed.) Let’s reflect and ask ourselves:  how can we do this better?

01-09-2022 10:00
  • Your Excellency, Professor Yit Sunnara, Secretary of State and Chairman of the Quality Improvement Working Group of the Ministry of Health
  • Dr. Sok Srun, Director, Department of Hospital Services, Ministry of Health 
  • Dr. Ly Nareth, Representative, Senior Health Specialist and Co-Task Team Leader, Health Equity and Quality Improvement Project 2 
  • Dr. Suos Premprey, Deputy Chief of Party, USAID-EQHA project.
31-08-2022 21:00

Thank you so much, Tom. And thanks to everybody who's joined today, this is not the happiest of topics. But it distinguishes itself from other humanitarian events in the world, in that there's something we can do about it. And that's an exciting aspect of this. But that only happens when awareness grows and people dig into the facts and open their hearts to what's happening pretty far away.

31-08-2022 13:30

Our work in Morocco requires a leader able to build on this work and tackle the challenges faced by the Moroccan people. Someone who can make an impact beyond the programs we implement. Someone who truly has a heart for service, and of course, who will take advantage of all the KFCs that Morocco has to offer.

29-08-2022 09:00

I am pleased to welcome all of you to the training on the Quantification Analytics Tool  for managing supply plans.   Thank you to our CNM colleagues, implementing partners, and representatives from GHSC-PSM 4 offices in Myanmar, Thailand, Pakistan, and Cambodia for attending this training.

19-08-2022 18:15

Before Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine was the fourth-largest commercial exporter of wheat and one of the World Food Programme’s top suppliers of grain. Russia’s effective blockade of Ukraine’s Black Sea ports has trapped more than 20 million tons of Ukrainian grain inside the country for months, exacerbating the most severe food crisis the world has seen in decades.

18-08-2022 05:00

I am delighted to join you today to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) in Liberia. The Eye Institute was established in July 2017 in response to a request by then President Sirleaf to provide excellent and equitable eye care services to the population of Liberia.


Last updated: November 06, 2020

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