
Speeches Shim

22-09-2022 11:30

Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the New York Foreign Press Center’s briefing on combatting food insecurity. I’m honored to welcome USAID Deputy Administrator for Policy and Programming Isobel Coleman and Special Envoy for Global Food Security Dr. Cary Fowler.

21-09-2022 18:15

Thank you so much, everybody who has gathered here today. Thank you, Cathy, for your leadership. It's been incredible to partner with you on this very compressed fundraising drive brought about by a very grave emergency out in the world.

21-09-2022 15:30

Needless to say, we are facing a global crisis of really unprecedented proportions. The recent IPCC report called the climate crisis a “code red for humanity.” And you need look no further than the devastating floods in Pakistan which have left nearly one-third of the country underwater, or to the Horn of Africa, where 20 million people are now facing starvation, to know that we are not adapting swiftly enough and we are not reducing our carbon emissions swiftly enough to tackle the scope and scale of this crisis. 

21-09-2022 15:00

Our fight – our long and encouraging fight against HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria – has faced  significant setbacks as a result of COVID-19, and so many other pressing needs around the world. 

21-09-2022 12:15

The United States is really grateful to partner with each of you here today to address this horrific food crisis in the Horn, and thanks for taking the time away from all the other things you could be doing as well. There are a lot of challenges facing the world right now, but none as acute as this one right now.

21-09-2022 11:00

Ladies and gentlemen, my next guest is the Pulitzer Prize winning author who spent four years as UN Ambassador and is currently the Administrator of USAID. Please welcome back to the Late Show Samantha Power. Hey, nice to see you again!

21-09-2022 09:30

I want to start by thanking the Ford Foundation, Girls not Brides, Girls First Fund, and VOW for Girls for continuing to bring urgently needed attention to the complex issues and outright injustices that prevent women and girls from reaching their full potential. 

21-09-2022 09:30

Thanks, Matt, for that introduction, and for the opportunity to speak to this coalition today. I’m sorry to not be able to join you in-person, but I am delighted to share a few words on USAID’s commitment to preventing and treating child wasting this afternoon

20-09-2022 18:45

We are referring to this as the Inspiration Summit, because this is a room filled with prospects for reform and filled with hope. Each of the countries that we have with us gathered, have inspired us, have inspired President Biden, with their determination to push ahead and try to create a freer, more just, and more equal society in their own nation. Often, they are pushing against strong headwinds against really difficult legacies and inheritances.

20-09-2022 07:00

 As the head of USAID, the country's Agency for International Development, in recent weeks Administrator Power has been traveling from crisis point to crisis point around the world, to places where a combination of natural and political disasters have wrecked infrastructure and caused dangerous food insecurity.


Last updated: November 16, 2022

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