
Speeches Shim

04-08-2022 07:45

A special welcome to Chris’ family. His sister Beth and his aunt Maureen are here with us in-person; welcome to you both. His sister Jenna wanted to be here, but she is in Arizona welcoming her newest grandson, Teo, and is watching alongside her son, Tyler and daughter-in-law, Eun Jeong. Chris’ brother, Jon could not make it but we know he is celebrating Chris from afar.

03-08-2022 14:15

No matter where I go in South Africa…whether here in Johannesburg…or in Cape Town…or Durban…I have been struck by the passion and resilience of South Africans…particularly the desire among South Africans to build a more secure, democratic, inclusive, and prosperous country.  

02-08-2022 15:45

As Anu travels to Colombia to oversee our strongest partnership in the region, she will continue to support the inclusive development of marginalized and Indigenous communities, help tackle climate change and foster environmental protections, support Venezuelan refugees that have been generously welcomed into Colombia, and work with the Colombian people to consolidate the peace they so desire.

29-07-2022 10:30

(as prepared for delivery)


  • H.E. Neth Pheaktra, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment
  • H.E. Thong Savun, Governor of Mondulkiri Province
  • Other distinguished guests and partners

Wildlife is an important part of Cambodia's national heritage and can be an integral part of development. It benefits both the national economy and people’s livelihoods. But Cambodia’s natural resources and wildlife are threatened by the high demand for both luxury wood and wildlife products.

29-07-2022 09:00

Wildlife is an important part of Cambodia's national heritage and can be an integral part of development. It benefits both the national economy and people’s livelihoods. But Cambodia’s natural resources and wildlife are threatened by the high demand for both luxury wood and wildlife products.

28-07-2022 15:45

It is a pleasure to welcome all of you here today, and those tuned in virtually, to swear in our newest Director for USAID’s Frankfurt Support Center and Mission Director for our Middle East Regional Platform, Aly Cameron.

27-07-2022 18:15

I think you're absolutely right that we have to reconcile our economic objectives, looking out, particularly for people who are living at or beneath the poverty line, with these climate objectives. But bearing in mind that climate change is gonna destroy so many livelihoods, so the case for emissions reduction is an economic case. It is a case actually about justice as well and trying to protect as many livelihoods as we can.

27-07-2022 18:00

I have with me the Administrator for USAID, Samantha Power, who is in India and has met with External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, and she's also met senior Indian government officials, and engaged with the civil society. Maha Siddiqui speaking with NDTV.

27-07-2022 17:45

So, I think these public-private partnerships, that's really the direction USAID has moved in in recent years, is to be more catalytic and coming in in a manner that increases, let's say, investor confidence. I, as the head of USAID, I'm also the vice chair of the Development Finance Corporation and some of the biggest investments that we are making in clean energy and that I think we can make as well in food security resilience will likely come through investment of that kind of capital, which is very different than grant financing and of a very different scale than grant financing from USAID.

27-07-2022 15:45

MR. KESHAV GUPTA: Thank you so much, Administrtor Power, for these moving remarks. Very insightful indeed. I’m Keshav Gupta, founder of The Dais. We are an organization working on sustainable development goals, and especially empowering youth and finding their role in it. Besides that, I’m also currently the president of the American Center eSports club here in New Delhi. And I’m also working as the youth working group coordinator for the World House Project with Stanford University, which in fact, is working on lessons of Gandhi and Dr. King.


Last updated: September 22, 2024

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