
Speeches Shim

04-10-2022 18:30

Clinton, I have something to tell you, which is that this is the fullest this room has been since the pandemic. And that’s all you, just so you know. That’s where we start. Thanks also to everybody who has joined virtually. We can’t see you, but we are so heartened that you are here and Clinton can see all of the names of his colleagues and friends who have joined from afar, a couple of whom I will single out. All of you who are here, and out there, are such an important part of his life and I imagine it means the world to him, and for him, to know that you all are with us. 

03-10-2022 15:00

I’d like to welcome Michael’s partner Stephanie, who like Michael has quite the distinguished resume. For nearly five years, Stephanie served as the Finance and Economics Expert on the North Korea Panel of Experts at the United Nations Security Council. And now, she is a non-resident fellow at the Stimson Center and is the Founder and CEO of her own consulting firm, Activus Coaching & Consulting. 

30-09-2022 15:30

I really want to thank Secretary Vilsack for being part of this conversation today, and for both his and USDA’s commitment to helping America’s farmers benefit from the tremendous work ethic and experience of guest workers, and his and their commitment to the fair recruitment and treatment of those workers.

29-09-2022 14:00

My biggest thanks of all belong to the entire Peer Review team, led by France and Norway, for the significant undertaking they’ve shouldered in studying the U.S. development cooperation programs and policies. I often think to myself that I wish I had had three months to dig into and study and assess those policies before coming into this role, but I'm very glad somebody took on that task. Over 60 years ago, the United States joined other OECD members to found the Development Assistance Committee, knowing that we would need to bind our efforts together, and learn from one another, benefit from one another's expertise, if we were ever going to help the world recover from the Second World War.  

29-09-2022 09:00

Thank you so much. Thanks to Her Excellency Bintang Puspayoga for that introduction, and just now for giving me the floor. I’m grateful for your leadership as the Co-Chair for today’s ASEAN-U.S. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Ministerial Dialogue – and I know this is the first in history, but hopefully surely not the last.

29-09-2022 05:00

I am delighted to join all of you today to help certify the 155 youth who completed the “Work Ready Now & Be Your Own Boss” training program.  All of us at USAID, along with our entire U.S. Embassy community, are proud of each of you who is receiving a certificate today.  

23-09-2022 18:30

Earlier this year, you said we may look back at 2022 as the year that broke the humanitarian system as we know it. I'd love to spend a whole day hearing all about it, but I’d like you to look through the lens of the food crisis and tell us where we are in this food security crisis. How serious is it and what is USAID doing.

23-09-2022 17:00

We started this event with the Minister from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who painted a vision of what we can achieve together in partnership. The DRC is cultivating only 9 percent of their land, but has natural rainfall and the potential to become a breadbasket.

23-09-2022 16:00

Today, I am pleased to announce that the United States is providing more than $170 million in additional humanitarian assistance for the Burma and Bangladesh humanitarian crisis. The United States has provided nearly $1.9 billion in humanitarian assistance since 2017 to help those affected by the Rohingya refugee crisis in Burma, Bangladesh, and elsewhere in the region. Of this new funding, nearly $138 million is for programs in Bangladesh.

23-09-2022 03:30

Minister Azhar Giniyat, Dr. Hans Kluge, Dr. Dumitru Laticevschi, Ms Zarina Kamasova, Dr. Malik Adenov, distinguished dignitaries and speakers, guests, and participants -- Good morning!


Last updated: November 06, 2020

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