
Speeches Shim

15-06-2022 18:00

Thank you for joining us this evening to celebrate our collective achievements and launch USAID’s new Morodok Baitang project.  The conservation of natural resources requires joint efforts and commitments.  That is why we celebrate your contributions towards the sustainable management of Cambodia’s natural resources.  It is also why we are so proud of the accomplishments that we have achieved through our partnerships to advance progress.

15-06-2022 17:15

Proud of the investments USG has made towards climate change and sustainable development. Since 2008, USG invested over $100 million on environment and climate change programs. Through environment programs, USAID leveraged investments of over $50 million for forest management and biodiversity conservation and reduced over 25 million metric tons of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from deforestation and land use change.

14-06-2022 12:15

I want to be very clear, I did not just receive an award. Let me just get that on the record. The amazing public servants of USAID got the award, and we’ll talk about them in just a second. But first, let me thank Regina. I can definitely find you with that amazing blazer. Your defense of gender and LGBTQ rights here at home and around the world over the years has been nothing short of remarkable. You are a true legend in that space, and I’m so glad you are here at IFES, helping Tony and his team. 

13-06-2022 20:30

BIFAD has been a critical partner with USAID for nearly 50 years, drawing upon America’s universities—many represented here today—to support a global transformation of agriculture and food systems that now feed twice as many people as they did a generation ago, back in 1975.

13-06-2022 20:15

Being part of this swearing-in gives me enormous pleasure.  Getting to swear in Gabe Grau as our newest Mission Director for USAID Sri Lanka and Maldives.

13-06-2022 13:45

I am honored by your invitation to speak to you today about the importance of public sector reforms, particularly reforms designed to create a strong public financial management system for Liberia. A strong public financial management system, as you know, promotes efficient and accountable governance. And governments that are efficient and accountable do a better job at delivering public goods and services, providing for the poor, and creating an environment that attracts investments, spurs private sector growth, and creates jobs.

13-06-2022 10:00

A free and independent media is essential in any democratic society because media shapes public opinions and attitudes. Media is also essential for promoting good governance. By providing unbiased information to the public, the media helps citizens make thoughtful decisions on governance, leadership, and policy priorities for national development. 

10-06-2022 07:00

So, the work that we do fundamentally is development and humanitarian work.  And what I'm trying to emphasize is that it is your voices -- local organizations, local leaders, young people -- that help us define what our priorities are as we figure out, in this sea of need, which issues we prioritize and where -- you know, our evaluations of the work that we do are not just done by some consultants who come from Washington; but you know, that you are the ultimate judge of whether our programs are delivering for your development needs.

09-06-2022 18:30

We recognize, as Americans, the opportunities that these H-2B and H-2A programs can create for employers here in the U.S. And they can be a godsend, providing a viable alternative to dangerous—and even deadly—irregular migration path.

09-06-2022 00:45

On behalf of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), it is my pleasure and honor to be here at the Almaty University for Power Engineering and Telecommunications today to sign this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for a regional partnership supporting development across Central Asia. 


Last updated: September 23, 2024

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