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Hilando Vidas y Esperanza (WLH) trabaja con sobrevivientes del conflicto, comunidades afectadas por el conflicto y el Gobierno de Colombia para promover el desarrollo inclusivo y la convivencia pacífica

Gobernabilidad Responsable (RG) de USAID busca mejorar la gobernabilidad, la administración de las finanzas públicas y la prestación de servicios públicos en los municipios históricamente afectados por el conflicto armado.

USAID Jordan participates in the USAID Agency-wide Medicines, Technologies and Pharmaceutical Services activity that strengthens pharmaceutical systems of low- and middle-income countries to ensure sustainable access to and appropriate use of safe, effective, quality-assured, and affordable essential medicines and pharmaceutical services.

For nearly seventy years, USAID and the Government of Jordan have worked together to safeguard the health of women and children. This partnership has increased access to quality reproductive health and family planning services in line with Jordan’s National Health Sector Strategy.

Jordan has made considerable progress in improving maternal and child health outcomes. For example, in recent decades, Jordan has cut the under-five mortality rate by almost half and reduced the infant mortality rate by more than 40%. However, significant challenges remain and are exacerbated by a declining national health budget, a growing population, a large influx of refugees due to regional conflicts, and aging and overcrowded health facilities.

Exclusive breastfeeding ranks as the number one preventative child survival intervention globally. The Jordan Population and Family and Health Survey of 2017-2018 found that although breastfeeding is common, only 26 percent of infants are exclusively breastfed during the first six months of life, and usually for less than a month—far below the recommended six months.

While Jordan has a talented health workforce, until 2018 there was no requirement for healthcare providers to complete continuing professional development to advance their skills, nor a national system to track the renewal of their licenses to practice.

Jordan is currently home to more than 770,000 UNHCR-registered refugees representing 56 nationalities, including approximately 670,000 registered Syrians. At the beginning of the crisis in Syria, Jordan provided UNHCR-registered Syrians fleeing conflict with free access to public sector healthcare services.

Jordan has made considerable progress in improving reproductive, maternal, and child health outcomes. For example, in recent decades, Jordan has achieved a 23 percent reduction in the total fertility rate and cut the under-five mortality rate by almost half. However, significant challenges remain and are exacerbated by a declining national health budget, a growing population, a large influx of refugees due to regional conflicts, old and overcrowded health facilities, and, most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Strong public and health policy is based on accurate data. Since 1990, USAID and the Government of Jordan have collaborated to conduct seven Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), which provide comprehensive data on fertility, mortality, family planning, maternal and child health, and nutrition as a tool for assessing existing population and health programs and policies.


Last updated: September 19, 2024

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