Fact Sheets

Speeches Shim

Justicia Inclusiva facilita el acceso a los servicios de justicia para ciudadanos que viven en zonas rurales afectadas por la violencia. Este programa trabaja en 76 municipios, y se ejecuta desde enero del 2022 hasta enero del 2027. 

USAID apoya los esfuerzos del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH) para construir paz y prevenir, proteger y responder a los abusos de los derechos humanos en Colombia. ACNUDH opera en todo el país y el apoyo de USAID está vigente entre junio de 2020 y octubre de 2022.


Diálogos de Seguridad Ciudadana (DSC) busca fortalecer la confianza entre las comunidades y proveedores de seguridad y justicia.

La actividad Avanza Pacífico ofrece becas, apoyo educativo, formación en liderazgo y desarrollo de capacidades a personas y organizaciones afrocolombianas e indígenas, con énfasis en la región del Pacífico.  Es implementado por la Corporación Manos Visibles en Cauca, Chocó, Nariño y Valle del Cauca, y en las ciudades de Bogotá, Medellín y Cartagena. Se desarrolla entre julio de 2020 y junio de 2023. 

This morning, Administrator Power delivered a speech on the global food crisis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), co-hosted by the Eleanor Crook Foundation. The speech followed the Administrator's trips to Zambia and Malawi where she met with local farmers, agri business leaders and government officials to discuss the impact of Russia’s war against Ukraine on food security and nutrition in the region.

Known as the Cradle of Civilization, present-day Iraq is a land where some of humanity’s most ancient stories were born. USAID supports the preservation of cultural heritage that offers self-definition and a spirit of community to oppressed religious and ethno-religious minorities in Iraq.

The USAID Mission in Ukraine continues to transform its programming to meet the urgent needs of the Ukrainian people following Russia’s full-scale invasion. All USAID/Ukraine programs remain active and we continue to invest in more than 40 activities run by more than 700 implementing partner staff in the country. All of this helps to make Ukraine stronger, more democratic, and more prosperous, and helps Ukrainians realize the promise of the Revolution of Dignity.

The Inclusive Justice Activity facilitates justice service access for citizens living in rural and violence-affected areas.  The activity strengthens investigations, prosecutions, and reparations for high-impact crimes, and expands access to quality justice through community and state-led dispute resolution.  The activity also increases trust in the Colombian justice system through reduced impunity, improved access to justice services, and increased respect for rule of law. This activity works with Colombian actors like the Ministry of Justice, municipal governments, and other justice sector institutions, including transitional justice actors established by the 2016 Peace Accord, like Truth Commission, the Unit Search for the Search of Missing Persons, and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. The activity works in 76 municipalities, and it runs from January 2022 to January 2027.

La Asociación de Energía de los Estados Unidos (USEA), en alianza con USAID, ayuda al Gobierno de Colombia y a las empresas de servicios públicos colombianas a integrar fuentes de energía renovable en la red eléctrica nacional

El Programa Páramos y Bosques apoya al Gobierno de Colombia en la implementación progresiva de políticas y estrategias que hagan del crecimiento económico y la gestión ambiental, objetivos compatibles en un escenario de "post conflicto".


Last updated: September 20, 2024

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