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Under the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), four Regional Leadership Centers (RLCs) in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal serve as regional hubs across the continent to encourage transformational learning and enhanced leadership skills. The Centers seek to develop individual leadership skills; foster innovation and entrepreneurship driven by young leaders; create spaces for regional collaboration and networking; provide a platform for young female and male leaders to influence and shape the debate on the role of young leaders in driving progress across the region; and take a cross-sectoral and cross-country approach to build networks among emerging young leaders from various disciplines and across countries.

September 2021 – September 2025
Total Funding: $2 million

Duration: January 2018 – September 2023
Total Funding: $2.5 million

The United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided over 31.4 million in assistance to Angola to combat the COVID-19 pandemic since 2020.

Despite ongoing domestic challenges and regional turmoil, Jordan’s overall business and investment climates are improving. Its growth potential is fueled by a young, highly-educated, and dynamic workforce. USAID wants to build on this potential and work with the private sector to embrace market-based solutions, support market systems across sectors, and leverage the private-sector’s expertise, resources, and investment in addressing Jordan’s development challenges.


Last updated: September 20, 2024

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