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Grantee:  Pan American Development Foundation

Local Sub-Grantees:  Government of Suriname, Surinamese NGOs

Duration: 4 years (Feb 2013 - Feb 2016)

Funding to date: $1,549,065

Total Project investment - $4,500,000

Beneficiary countries:  Suriname

Objective: To support youth development and juvenile justice reform in Suriname. This will be achieved by (1) expanding opportunities for at-risk youth aged 15-24 and (2) strengthening Suriname’s juvenile justice system.


Grantees:  Secretariat of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)

Duration:  4 years (October 2011 to September 2014)

Funding to date: $900,000M (CBSI)

Total Projected investment:  $5 million over four years.

Beneficiary Countries:  St. Kitts & Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Grenada, Trinidad & Tobago and Suriname

Start date: March 8, 2012          End date: March 7, 2015  
Project budget (Life of Project):  $1.4 Million
Implementer:  Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia


Develop and disseminate affordable climate change adaptation technologies and practices in the agricultural sector, by conducting comprehensive public awareness and outreach campaigns combined with capacity building programs tailored to the needs of farming operations. 

Today, President Obama reaffirmed the United States’ continued commitment and support for the Syrian people by announcing an additional $155 million in humanitarian aid to help meet the acute needs of people inside Syria and refugees across the region who are affected by the violence in Syria.  This new funding includes the $10 million announced last week in Turkey by the visiting U.S. delegation. 

On November 18, 2012, President Obama and Prime Minister Yingluck announced that the United States Agency for International Development Agency (USAID) and Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on joint development assistance in the region.

Over the past two decades, USAID has provided assistance that has helped the Russian people improve public health and combat infectious diseases, protect the environment, develop a stronger civil society, and modernize their economy. As Russia has grown into a middle income country, the nature of USAID’s work has evolved beyond primarily providing technical assistance with a large focus on collaboration.  By 2012, the majority of USAID’s engagement revolved around the promotion of an open and innovative society in Russia and a strengthened partnership between the U.S. and Russia.  The work led to many breakthroughs and transformations described below.

More than 1 billion people worldwide suffer from one or more painful, debilitating tropical diseases which disproportionately impact poor and rural populations, cause severe sickness and disability, compromise mental and physical development, contribute to childhood malnutrition, reduce school enrollment, and hinder economic productivity.

Brief descriptions of USAID's youth programs around the world.

The first phase of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) focused on reducing HIV mortality and morbidity as quickly as possible.While basic infrastructure for evaluation and monitoring of programs existed, the main priority of the emergency response was rapid scale-up of service delivery programs.To ensure long-standing, locally owned approaches to sustaining the monu­mental increases in the availability of HIV/AIDS services enabled by PEPFAR’s first phase, the second phase of PEPFAR focuses on increasing the sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and impact of HIV/ AIDS programs in those countries hardest hit by the epidemic. 

Building on the decisions made in Bonn and Chicago, as well as the U.S.-Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement, the United States joined over 70 partners in Tokyo to underline our continuing support for Afghanistan’s efforts to strengthen itself and provide a more peaceful, secure, and prosperous future for its people through the conclusion of the security transition in 2014 and into the Transformation Decade. 


Last updated: September 20, 2024

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